Meet the Youth Club Team

Sturton By Stow Youth Club has a strong team of dedicated staff, most of who volunteer one or two evenings a month to ensure we always have enough people on hand. Our Youth Leader works hard to ensure we provide a good range of varied activities to our members, and keeps tabs with all of our amazing volunteers to ensure we are always working at our best. Behind the scenes we have a dedicated and experienced management committee who oversee the running of the youth club, seek to ensure we have enough funds to keep moving forward. The committee and Youth Leader meet quarterly and continually work to make our club be the best it can be for the many who attend.


Hello, I’m Jack, the Youth Leader! I’ve been working with Sturton By Stow Youth Club as leader now for 2 years, and had been a volunteer for one year prior to that. I have always loved being involved with the Youth Club. I used to attend myself as a teenager before becoming back to volunteer and later take up the role of leader! I feel it is a way I can give back to the community and ensure the teenagers and young adults of today can continue to have access to the youth club I once enjoyed back in the day!